Legal and terms of use is a directory of escorts and masseuses offering their personal services for adults.

The photos and publications belong to persons of legal age, who under their free choice, determination and exclusive responsibility exercise a lawful activity according to the laws of this country. does not facilitate, promote or encourage sexual exploitation, is against and condemns human trafficking and sexual exploitation. does not encourage or promote anyone to become an escort or masseuse. is NOT an escort agency or escorts and has no labor, professional, economic, or any other kind of relationship with the people who advertise here under their sole responsibility. does not receive any type of financial or other consideration for the meetings that may be arranged with advertisers. is not responsible for the activities that may be carried out by advertisers and their clients in their encounters. does not organize or encourage advertisers to travel to other countries to provide their service. performs a verification process of advertisers to validate that the photographs correspond to the person you want to publish, and that this is of legal age. is only a directory for people of legal age, independently and under their absolute responsibility to offer their personal services.

By using this site you agree and certify that:

1 - You are of legal age, and/or are of legal age according to the laws of your state/province and country of residence to possess or view nudity or sexual content.

2 - You agree to the material displayed on this site and agree not to redistribute such material.

3 - Undertakes not to exhibit this material to minors or persons who might be offended.

4 - Undertakes not to assault in any way any person with the information found and/or provided.

5 - The people whose photos, text or ads are published on this page have no work, professional or any other kind of relationship with

6 - By accepting the following terms and conditions, I release those responsible for this site from any legal and/or financial liability.
