The sex trade has been a constant in the history of humanity. Although practices and roles have varied over the centuries and in different cultures, escorts have played an important role in satisfying human desires and needs. We are going to take a journey through the centuries to explore the evolution and history of escorts.

The old times

The practice of sex work dates back to ancient times. In Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Greek civilizations, there are records of the existence of prostitutes who offered their services in exchange for goods, favors or money. In some ancient cultures, such as Greek and Roman, prostitutes were an integral part of daily life and had a defined social status. In other countries they had a religious status, such as in India where the Devadasis, prostitutes and sacred dancers gave rise to the practice known today as the Singapore kiss.

Middle Ages: Changes and Stigma

During the Middle Ages, attitudes towards sexuality and prostitution underwent a significant change. The Catholic Church condemned sexual activity outside of marriage, which led to the stigmatization of prostitutes. Despite this, courtesans and prostitutes continued to exist, although in a more clandestine context and regulated by local laws.

Las cortesanas, prostitutas finas y educadas de la antiguedad

Differences between a courtesan and a prostitute

A courtesan was an educated, cultured, and refined woman who offered companionship, entertainment, and sexual services to wealthy and powerful men, primarily during the Renaissance and Baroque era in Europe. Courtesans usually had a higher social status and enjoyed certain recognition by society. These women often maintained long-term relationships with their clients and could receive benefits beyond the financial aspect, such as protection, cultural support or political influence.

On the other hand, the term “prostitute” has been used more broadly and generally to refer to women who exchange sexual services for money or other benefits. This term does not necessarily imply high social status or long-term relationships with clients. Prostitutes can operate in various contexts, from the street to brothels or escort agencies.

This differentiation can continue to be seen throughout the history of escorts, today it happens with the independent vip escorts in Argentina and the whores that can be found in the red light district of Palermo.

Renaissance and Baroque: The Rise of the Courtesans

The Renaissance and Baroque era in Europe saw the rise of courtesans, educated and cultured women who offered companionship and entertainment, as well as sexual services, to wealthy and powerful men. These courtesans, such as Veronica Franco in Venice or Ninon de l'Enclos in France, enjoyed some social and financial recognition, although they continued to face the stigma associated with their profession.

19th Century: Regulations and Raids

During the 19th century, with industrialization and urbanization in Europe and America, prostitution became a more visible and problematic phenomenon. Authorities began implementing laws and regulations to control and suppress prostitution, leading to police raids and the creation of red zones in cities.

A “red zone” is a specific area within a city that is traditionally designated for activity related to prostitution and the sex trade. These areas are usually marked by a greater concentration of brothels, nightclubs, hotels and other establishments related to the sex industry.

En las zonas rojas puede encontrar putas pero no del nivel que puede encontrar online

20th Century: Social and Legal Changes

The 20th century brought with it important social and legal changes in relation to prostitution. In many parts of the world, reforms were promoted to decriminalize or legalize prostitution, recognizing the rights of sex workers and seeking to protect their safety and well-being. However, stigmatization and discrimination against sex workers still persist in many societies.

El rubro 49, un clásico para encontrar prostitutas durante muchas decadas

Item 59

It was at this stage in the history of escorts that the famous “item 59” was born, which refers to a category of classified ads in newspapers and printed media that has historically been used to publish advertisements related to sexual services, such as those offered by sex workers or escorts. In many countries, “item 59” has become a commonly understood code or reference for this type of advertisement.

21st century: The Digital Era in the history of escorts

With the arrival of the 21st century, prostitution has undergone a radical transformation due to the advancement of technology. The appearance of the Internet and social networks has facilitated the connection between escorts and clients, allowing greater visibility and accessibility to sexual services. As in many other areas, the access to advertise their services and not depend on physical places to practice their profession, allowed the birth of independent escorts.
Thanks to being able to publicize their services through digital channels, many of these girls were able to continue working because In Argentina in 2016, the existence of brothels and brothels was completely prohibited in CABA..

Los prostibulos, establecimientos del pasado que fueron prohibidos en CABA en 2016


Independent escorts

The independent escorts are sex workers who operate autonomously, that is, they are not affiliated with a brothel, escort agency or any other similar establishment. Unlike escorts who work under the supervision of an entity, independent escorts directly manage their own advertising, agenda, rates and meetings with clients.

These types of escorts usually promote themselves through online advertisements, social networks or personal websites, where they offer their services and establish direct contact with interested clients. By operating independently, they have greater control over their work and can set their own policies and conditions.

Las escorts independientes no dependen de nadie y todas sus ganancias son para ellas

Nowadays there are many sites where independent escorts can advertise their services, and unfortunately there are several false advertisements in many of them. It is for this reason that at the identity of each of the girls it publishes is validated..